Sunday, 21 April 2013

My first finished project

Well, the first one I am actually proud of!

I started it a looooong time ago by cutting the pieces. Then I forgot all about it and the parts were all hidden inside a bag in my cupboard.

I decided to have a go sewing the dress properly, now that I have been swatting up on the techniques, tips, types of seams and pressing importance.

It is not perfect (obviously) but I am still extremely excited about making it. I keep staring at it and thinking "ooh, I made that all by myself!" Sad, I know! ;-)

I am particularly proud of fitting the zip (although there is a small gap at top) and also accommodating my bust by altering the seam allowance and shape.

It was a cloth kits pattern, so it was printed onto the fabric rather than tissue pieces.

I can't wait to wear it out and about. It looks much better on than hanging on a peg... Well, I think so! :-P


  1. Congrats on your first finished project! You should be proud because you did a really great job. Look how well it fits! And the fabric is adorable.

    1. Aww, thanks Amy! That is good praise to get! Hopefully I will be as good as you and all of the other super sewers out there! :-)


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